Data Management Service

Data Management Service

Juvenile Case Management Solution (Juv CMS)

A web-based case management software solution developed by juvenile justice professionals for juvenile justice programs.

Juvenile Case Management Solution (Juv CMS)

A web-based case management software solution developed by juvenile justice professionals for juvenile justice programs.

Overview Video

Customizable  →

We have the ability to customize the solution to meet the needs of your agency.

Personalized  →

We can develop personalized dashboards, screens, logs, and reports to deliver the most important data to those who need it.

Secure →

We store data in the Government cloud providing the highest level of protection for Private Information (PI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Sensitive Information, (SI) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) – Connect to your agency through Azure Active Directory with Multi-Factor Authentication

We Can Address Your Data Needs!

On Demand Data Queries

Access or Create Assessment / Screening Instruments

Track Clinical Services for Dosage and Duration

Generate Printable Reports / Face Sheets

Manage Billing Per Referring Agency

Export Data into an EXCEL Spreadsheet

Track Data for Federal / State Monitoring (PREA, Licensing, etc.)

Add Clinical Group Notes to Apply to All Attendees

To request more information or schedule a brief demo, please contact:

Wayne R. Bear, MSW

Chief Executive Officer

National Partnership for Juvenile Services

Cell: (717) 578-6505


Overview Video:  VIEW

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