About Us

About Us

Welcome to NPJS!

In 2004, the Council for Educators of At-Risk and Delinquent Youth (CEARDY), the Juvenile Justice Trainers Association (JJTA), the National Association for Juvenile Correctional Agencies (NAJCA), and the National Juvenile Detention Association (NJDA) merged their respective membership organizations under one operational structure. Building on years of experience, knowledge, and skill, this union allows the individual organizations to focus on their respective mission and discipline while minimizing duplication, maximizing limited resources, and ensuring sustainability.

Our Vision  →

The National Partnership for Juvenile Services will be recognized as the foremost authority in the field of juvenile justice.

Our Mission  →

The National Partnership for Juvenile Services provides professional development and technical assistance and promotes best practices and standards to the field of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention to positively impact youth, families and communities.

Our Values  →

Collaboration built on trust, commitment, honesty, integrity, and excellence with the idea that change is possible.

Background & History

Council for Educators of At-Risk and Delinquent Youth (CEARDY)

The Council for Educators of At-Risk and Delinquent Youth (CEARDY), founded in 1999, is a professional organization of educators who teach in non-traditional educational settings, such as detention and corrections facilities, special education programs, alternative schools, residential programs, day treatment, and mental health placements.

CEARDY is committed to:

  • Fostering collaboration among education professionals who provide services to at-risk and delinquent youth;
  • Acting as a national voice for students, teachers and school administrators;
  • Setting standards for best practices in educational programs serving at-risk and delinquent youth;
  • Providing resources, information and technical assistance; and
  • Sponsoring training and professional development opportunities for its membership.

For more information, please contact:

Randall Farmer (NE)

Representing Educators of At-Risk & Delinquent Youth


Juvenile Justice Trainers Association (JJTA)

The Juvenile Justice Trainers Association (JJTA), founded in 1984, was a professional organization of trainers and staff development coordinators in the juvenile services field. When JJTA became part of NPJS, the Staff Training and Professional Development discipline group was created.

The Discipline Group is committed to:

  • Providing opportunities for the professional growth and development of juvenile justice trainers;
  • Advocating for standards which will enhance the quality of juvenile justice training;
  • Promoting coalitions and linkages between organizations that address the needs of youth at risk; and
  • Serving as a resource for the exchange of juvenile justice training programs, materials and personnel.

For more information, please contact:

Keisha Isaacs (IL)

Representing Staff Training & Professional Development


Website Resources For Trainers

National Juvenile Detention Association (NJDA)

The National Juvenile Detention Association (NJDA), founded in 1968, is a professional organization dedicated to supporting all facets of the juvenile detention services continuum.

NJDA is committed to:

  • Designing and delivering state-of-the-art training programs and technical assistance interventions to the juvenile confinement community as well as non-secure alternative programs;
  • Defining the mission of juvenile detention services at the national, state, and local levels;
  • Educating jurisdictions on strategies to ensure sound fiscal stewardship;
  • Safeguarding professionally acceptable detention standards and practices; and
  • Stimulating the development of the next generation of leaders for the profession.

NJDA Definition of Juvenile Detention

Juvenile detention, as part of the juvenile justice continuum, is a process that includes the temporary and safe custody of juveniles whose alleged conduct is subject to court jurisdiction who require a restricted environment for their own and the community’s protection while pending legal action. Juvenile detention may range from the least restrictive community based supervision to the most restrictive form of secure care.

The critical components of juvenile detention include:

  • Screening to ensure appropriate use of detention,
  • Assessment to determine the proper level of custody, supervision and placement,
  • Policies that promote the safety, security and well being of juveniles and staff,
  • Services that address immediate and/or acute needs in the educational, mental, physical, emotional and social development of juveniles.

For more information, please contact:

Terri Hanton (MI)

Representing Short Term Detention / Shelters


National Association for Juvenile Correctional Agencies (NAJCA)

The Juvenile Corrections Council of the NPJS evolved from the National Association for Juvenile Correctional Agencies (NAJCA).  NAJCA, founded in 1903, is a professional organization dedicated to supporting residential and juvenile corrections facilities, administrators, and line staff workers in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.  The Juvenile Corrections Council provides a vehicle for professionals in that particular area to work together to advocate for practitioners, youth, families and their communities.

The Juvenile Corrections Council is committed to:

  • Implementing and disseminating ideas, experiences, and techniques that represent research-based best practices relating to the philosophy of the juvenile corrections field;
  • Recruiting and retaining qualified personnel by providing high quality staff development opportunities, ensuring quality working conditions, and providing competitive remuneration;
  • Supporting best practices in all residential and juvenile corrections agencies; and
  • Encouraging progressive legislation, policy development, and standards that sustain the philosophies and strengthen the goals of juvenile corrections.

For more information, please contact:

Johnny Muñoz (TX)

Representing Long Term Residential/Juvenile Corrections


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