Annual Dues: $35 | Lifetime Dues: $300 | Lifetime Emeritus (granted by board): $0
Member Benefits
Annual Dues: $60
Member Benefits
Annual Dues (fee according to # of staff signed up as NPJS Members*):
*Agencies must provide the individual names, job titles, and email addresses for each member joining under “Agency Membership”
Member Benefits
Annual Dues: $1,750
Member Benefits
*Company name and logo will be listed in the e-newsletter and linked to corporation’s website for each issue in which the company is the sponsor. Company is responsible for sending their logo and a brief written description of products/services.
Annual Dues: $4,500
Member Benefits
Includes all NPJS Corporate Member Benefits listed PLUS:
Annual Dues: $20 (Must be enrolled in an Institution of Higher Learning)
Member Benefits
Annual Dues (fee according to # of students signed up as NPJS Student Members*):
*Institutions must provide the student names, field of study, and email addresses for each student being enrolled as a part of this membership payment.
Member Benefits
My job is important. We have a high calling, a sacred responsibility, and important task: To redeem the unredeemable and make the community, the public, and society a better place in the process. I take my job seriously. It is a profession. No matter how much I know, profess to know, or have experienced, there is much more to learn. I must continually expand my knowledge and skills within this profession in order to meet the challenges and needs of troubled youth, beleaguered staff, and highly stressed institutions. The value of a professional association is that it provides strength and support to me in all these areas. It surrounds me with other kindred spirits, who are caring and sympathetic to my struggle, who support and encourage my efforts, who comfort and correct my failures, and who rejoice greatly in those all-too infrequent times of success. I am a part of good things that happened before me in this profession; I am a contributor to the good things that are currently happening in this profession; and I am preparing the way for others to do good things in the future. I derive no satisfaction in the growth and preservation of my profession by maintaining only an active role in my institution, my local unit of government, or my “ivory tower.” Likewise, saying I am a professional does not make me one; acting in a professional manner moves me closer to that goal; but membership in a professional association helps fulfill my professional aspirations.
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