Leadership Institute: Sept. 29 - 30, 2025
Welcome Reception:
Evening of Sept. 30, 2025
October 1-3, 2025
We are excited to announce that the 31st National Symposium on Juvenile Services will be held on October 1 - 3, 2025 in Orlando, FL. The theme for the Symposium is Courage to Change.
The National Symposium on Juvenile Services is a unique forum that brings together field expertise across the continuum of care. Administrators, frontline professionals, clinicians, probation officers, advocates, educators, trainers, community supports, all coming to one location in the spirit of collaboration and professional development. The Symposium offers an irreplaceable opportunity to network and share innovative program services as well as real-life solutions to common barriers experienced across the nation (and sometimes beyond).
In advance of the Symposium, NPJS will host the National Juvenile Services Leadership Institute September 29-30, 2025. The Institute is designed for current and new/emerging leaders in juvenile justice with a focus toward those leaders (administrators and mid-level management) in juvenile confinement facilities including juvenile detention, corrections and treatment centers. The NPJS Leadership Institute is an intensive day-long immersion into leadership development. Each participant will work through three modules focusing on specific areas of leadership and specific content related to each leadership style.
A special rate is available for individuals who attend both events.
Early Bird Registration Opens: TBA
Early Bird Registration Ends:
Tuesday, July 15, 2025
Standard Registration Starts:
Wednesday, July 16, 2025
Standard Registration Ends: Friday, September 5, 2025
Late / On-site Registration Starts: Saturday, September 6, 2025
Leadership Institute Rates (ONLY)
Early Bird Rate: $370 (Member/ Host State) / $420 (Non-Member)
Standard Rate: $420 (Member / Host State) / $450 (Non-Member)
Late/Onsite Rate:
$480 (Member/Non-Member)
Student Rate: $129
Symposium Rates (ONLY)
Early Bird Rate: $524 (Member/ Host State) / $554 (Non-Member)
Standard Rate: $554 (Member / Host State) / $584 (Non-Member)
Late/Onsite Rate:
$725 (Member/Non-Member)
Student Rate: $250
Leadership Institute and Symposium Rates (COMBO)
Early Bird Rate: $819 (Member/ Host State) / $899 (Non-Member)
Standard Rate: $879 (Member / Host State) / $959 (Non-Member)
Late/Onsite Rate: $1,130 (Member/Non-Member)
Student Rate: $304
Presenter Rates
Leadership Institute Presenter: $0
Symposium Presenter: $425
Leadership Institute Presenter (Attending Symposium): $425
Symposium Presenter (Attending Symposium and Leadership Institute): $795 (Early Bird) / $825 (Standard)
NPJS reserves the right to cancel any session, at any time.
NPJS or its contractors may photograph or videotape sessions and events at the conference. By attending the conference, attendees understand and agree to allow their images to be used by NPJS in its publications, on its website, and in marketing or promotional materials. Photo images may also be shared with the media. Attendance at the meeting waives NPJS from liability resulting from these uses.
NPJS may share your registration information with its sponsors and vendors. By registering for the conference, you agree to allow this information to be shared and understand that you may be contacted by our vendors.
Any and all liability of the National Partnership for Juvenile Services (NPJS) with respect to attendance, registration, reservations, cancelations, changes in the location or content of the program, and refunds is limited to a sum no greater than the registration fee paid. Under no circumstances shall NPJS be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, the cost of transportation or lodging. Conference attendee waives all claims of any kind against NPJS and its respective employees and agents arising from their participation in the conference. The attendee further agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless NPJS and its respective employees and agents from any and all damages, claims, or other liabilities resulting from any act or omission connected with attendee’s participation in the conference, whether negligent or not. The attendee’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences which result from or out of the attendee’s participation in the conference. Attendees agree to adhere to all health and safety requirements mandated by hotel and local/state jurisdictions.
Submission of registration and payment constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions herein.
A processing fee of $50 will be charged for conference registrations canceled on or before Friday, September 5, 2025.
No registration refunds will be made after Friday, September 5, 2025.
If you would like to cancel your registration, please email with the subject line “Cancellation.”
9700 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
Ideally located on Orlando’s International Drive, Rosen Plaza Hotel is adjacent to the Orange County Convention Center and across the street from the Pointe Orlando shopping and entertainment complex. Well-appointed accommodations and state-of-the-art facilities make the Rosen Plaza Hotel Central Florida’s premier meetings destination.
Room Rates
Group Rate: $155 per night Plus applicable taxes, 13.5% at present
Book Online: Hotel Reservation Link
Call: 1-800-627-8259
The Rosen Plaza Hotel requires that all reservations are secured with a guaranteed payment method. (Credit card, debit card, check, or money orders are acceptable forms of guarantee and/or deposit funds). Five (5) days prior to your arrival, a one night’s guestroom and tax authorization will be processed on your credit/debit card if there is no deposit. Please be aware that an authorization on a debit card will reduce the funds available in your bank account at that time.
Cancellation Policy
The Rosen Plaza Hotel has a five (5) day individual guest room cancellation policy. If an individual guest cancels less than five (5) days prior to arrival, the credit/debit card used to guarantee the reservation will be charged a one night’s guestroom and tax fee. If deposit was sent in to guarantee the reservation it will be refunded only if the room is canceled more than five (5) days before arrival.
Orlando is filled with exciting and memorable places to visit. Check out the Official Tourism Site for Orlando to plan your visit!
Discounted Tickets and Show your Badge and Save Program: NPJS National Symposium on Juvenile Services 2025 (
The 2025 National Symposium on Juvenile Services will focus on the following topic areas:
Shaping organizational
culture through sound policy and practice. Presentations that demonstrate:
Recruiting, training, and retaining quality professionals. Presentations that demonstrate:
Promoting Innovative Strategies to Support Positive Youth Development. Presentations that demonstrate:
Addressing needs of youth with complex mental, physical and/or other behavioral health needs through cross-system collaboration. Presentations that demonstrate:
compliance with local/state/federal mandates. Presentations that demonstrate:
Presenters were invited to submit a written version of their presentation to be published in the proceedings allowing the innovations and best practices shared during the symposium to be accessible to conference participants, future researchers, and scholars.
The 2025 National Symposium on Juvenile Services will have relevant content for various discipline groups working in the juvenile services profession and is a good learning opportunity for college students aspiring to work in the field.
(i.e. Short Term Shelter/Juvenile Detention, Long Term Residential/Juvenile Corrections)
The Call for Presentations portal is now open! Please submit your application(s) by April 30, 2025.
2025 National Symposium on Juvenile Services > Call for Presentations Application
2025 Leadership Institute > Call for Presentations Application
Call for Presentations Guidelines > view here
Poster Session Guidelines > view here
Proceedings: Individuals whose session abstracts are selected for presentation during the Symposium will be invited to prepare a written version of their presentation to be published in the Proceedings of the 2025 National Symposium on Juvenile Services. The proceedings will be published and made available to all symposium participants.
Please contact the NPJS office at if you have questions.
Sponsorship opportunities are available to demonstrate your support for the juvenile justice system and to promote your visibility to hundreds of Symposium participants, 5,200 social media followers, 12,000 email subscribers, and 15,000 unique website visitors from across the U.S. The Symposium also has a history of attendees from countries in Europe, Asia, and South America.
Social Media Followers
Email Subscribers
Unique Website Visitors
Join us at the 2025 National Symposium on Juvenile Services for the opportunity to showcase your products and services to juvenile services professionals from across the nation. The conference will provide visibility for your business or organization and the opportunity to interact with hundreds of attendees.
*Registration Fee includes 1 Exhibit Table and 1 Exhibitor Registration.
Exhibitor Booths include the following:
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