Sarah currently lives in central Pennsylvania with her husband, Ryan, two daughters, Lillyana and Rylee, and dog, Opie. She worked for 12 years in various capacities for Abraxas Youth and Family Services, a national leader in providing residential, community based and in-home services for youth, adults and families. Eight of those 12 years were spent working within the training department, as a Staff Trainer, On the Job Training Supervisor and finally, Training Director. Since 2019, Sarah has been contracting with NPJS on several projects. She has worked with a team to develop an onboarding program for new youth justice professionals in New York City, and worked with a team to update other curricula for New York City. Sarah is currently working on two externally-funded projects for NPJS. The first is a federally-funded TTA cooperative partnership agreement with the Center for Coordinated Assistance to States (CCAS), which is funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The other project is the development and implementation of the Juvenile Case Management System (JuvCMS) initiative to help electronically store and retrieve youth data. While JuvCMS has several clients, Sarah’s primary focus is developing the system for the Department of Youth Affairs in Guam.
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