NPJS Board of Directors
NPJS Short Term Placement / Juvenile Detention Discipline Group
Terri has spent 30 years working with the youth in her community in various volunteer and professional capacities, including seats on the boards of local charities involving at-risk and court-involved youth. Since 2006, she has worked in short-term secure detention at the Ingham County Youth Center. She brings a passion for improving youth detention through an understanding of the role that trauma plays in the lives of the young people and is committed to helping detention staff achieve a standard of excellence while providing the care and services those young people need. She has worked diligently to bring the Ingham County Youth Center into compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards as a member of the implementation committee and as PREA Coordinator. It is her belief that a trauma-responsive and PREA compliant environment is vital for both staff and residents to be able to do the critical work of changing the patterns that lead to youth becoming involved in the justice system. She has been an active member of NPJS since 2013, including serving on the Aftershift Committee and Leadership Institute Planning Committees. Her hope is to bring drive and energy to the NPJS Board in order to give a voice to the line staff working in facilities and to increase the respect for their challenging, but crucial and rewarding work.
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