Title: 25th Anniversary of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Impact on Juvenile Services Policy and Practice
The 25th anniversary of the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study occurs in 2023. The ACE Study revealed the previously unknown link between childhood adversity and negative health outcomes in adulthood. The research findings had enormous impact in the Juvenile Services field. Despite substantial racial, socioeconomic, and geographic diversity limitations in the original sample, the research results significantly influenced juvenile justice literature and practice. Notably, the ACEs study findings contributed to trauma-informed and trauma-responsive reforms in the juvenile justice system. To mark the anniversary, the Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services will publish a thematic collection on the impact of this seminal research in the field of juvenile services.
We invite contributions from researchers and experts in the field of juvenile justice and child development on the following themes:
Submission Process: Click here for the JAJJS Special Issue Submission Checklist
This is a rolling collection. Submissions will be welcomed at any point.
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