Translational Science

Translational Science

Title: On Solid Ground: Translational Research and the Future of Juvenile Services

Translational research is a mechanism that converts research results into evidence-based practice. The dissemination of scientific results that directly benefit people is our purpose and foundation upon which the future of juvenile services must be built. The Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services (JAJJS), an applied science journal, historically stands at the confluence of research and practice by assisting practitioner application of research results to improve the quality of youth lives. Advancements in technology and resulting shifts in research and perspectives across scientific disciplines such as neuroscience, developmental psychology, biological psychiatry, physiology, behavioral neurology, and developmental neurobiology have exposed a promising solid foundation for juvenile services.

This Special Issue will feature papers that demonstrate how the integration and application of study results can be applied to juvenile services with subsequent effect on policy, outcomes, and systems. Multiple research methodologies, to include randomized control trial designs, are highly encouraged.

We invite contributions from researchers and experts in the field of juvenile justice and child development on the following themes:

  • The lifecycle of translational research in juvenile services: bridging the gap between awareness, advocacy, and application
  • The effects of applied research on culture, policy, systems, practice, and how the results directly benefit youth
  • Inter and transdisciplinary research within juvenile services
  • How contemporary research informs investments in treatment
  • Applying translational research to motivate and coordinate collaborative systemic reform
  • Motivating stakeholder, workforce and organizational populations to integrate translational research
  • Applying translational research to workforce development and complex needs of youth
  • Comparative analysis of applied research treatment modalities


Submission Process: Click here for the JAJJS Special Issue Submission Checklist

This is a rolling collection. Submissions will be welcomed at any point.

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